On the Way Home ...
...My Life as 'Drive away' driver

2024 07 05 MN

Spending the night at home

There was one picking up local on the load board this AM so I called on it to get phone numbers. It was going to Chicago so if we could do the logistics to leave out this weekend it could work.

I call the number dispatch gave me and it went to voicemail. And it sounded like someone's person voicemail so I looked up the number. It was there personal phone so I called the actual company. Someone answered but that person was the only one working today.

That is not going to work, and then dispatch added a 2nd one later.

IF we could have signed for the truck today, we could have gone back and picked it up Sunday morning. Or the 2nd one was non-CDL it might have fit in our driveway for the weekend.

But by having to pick up Monday AM meant we couldn't deliver until Tuesday AM and if anything went wrong we would not be back from our Weds AM appt. We always like to be 'home' the day before an appt or event. Things happen.

So the only work we will do is if there is something in the 3 state area on Monday or the metro area on Tuesday.

This is turning into one long vacation.

Load board
US - 69
MN - 1
IA - 1/0
WI - 2

2024 07 16 MN

spending the night at home

Load board - weekend
US - 69
IA - 1/0
MN -0-
WI - 2

Load board - Monday
US - 97
IA - 1/0
MN - 1
WI -1

Load board - Tuesday
US - 88
IA - 0
MN - 3
WI - 0

Load board - Wednesday
US - 86
IA - 0
MN - 2
WI - 2

Load board - Thursday
US - 124
IA - 0
MN - 1
WI - 2

Load board - Friday
US - 101
IA - 1
MN - 1
WI - 1

Load board - Weekend
US - 107
IA - 2/1
MN - 1
WI - 4

Load board - Monday
US - 100
IA - 0
MN - 2
WI - 1

Load board - Tuesday
US - 168
IA - 0
MN - 1
WI - 1

2024 07 17 MN

spending the night at home

We were still on vacation on Monday. Tuesday BB had an appointment. So today was the first full day we have had where we were ready to go.

There were only two trips in the three state area and they both could have worked. But we do the math and with no option of a second leg they really were not worth it.

Sometime during the day BB comes and tells me the list of RV's on the load board. There were two to CA but we hadn't planned on going that far. None of the others would pay enough.

AFTER the trips are gone, we do the math and we do have time to get to CA and back and still make better money than pulling weeds. And those two were right in the area of the bus shipper. But ... we only have enough time to get out and back. Not for any breakdowns or delays.

Later there were two more going down near LA, but not to the same place and not on the load board at the same time.

There has not been anything 'local' or regional. Shortest trip was to TX.

Load board - weekend
US - 135
IA - 0
MN - 2
WI - 1

2024 07 18 MN

spending the night at home

Long day. Hitting refresh, both of us.

Yesterday there were over a dozen trips so today we were ready. Today there were five. No pairs, only one that would have worked for us and if we took that we would have missed out on any future pairs.

And then to top the day off I got a letter from one of my carriers. There old policy was that if the Dr would only give you a six month medical card you couldn't drive until they gave you a one year card. Now the policy is if they give you a six month medical card, you're fired. No stress there ... it's only my job on the line, no wonder my BP is high when I go in. And I need to do that within the next two weeks. And my BP went up when I got my last med refill. Chance or change?

Load board
US - 153
IA - 0
MN - 0
WI - 2

Tomorrow will be Friday, we can't get any shorter trips done in one day. And now we have missed the window to do the west coast trips. Our choices will be limitied.

2024 07 19 MN

spending the night at home

There were five RVs at about 1 PM and another five about 3 PM. No pairs, no short ones that paid. The closest to something that would work was one going to Seattle and the other to BC.

Drivers are also running into issues of there being no one-way rental cars. And this is before the airlines all got shut down.

So we are home for the weekend.

Got text from my other carrier that I need a new medical card but no 'threats' with that one.

Load board
US - 138
IA - 1
MN - 1
WI - 1
Questions? Comments? email me at onthewayhome@yahoo.com