2024 01 05 IA
Today they did
not put out any trips until 10:15. 3 RV's, no pairs.
(Now I have
forgotten the rest of the RV's they put out)
By noon they had put out 2
more, at least today the ones they are putting out are all new, not reworked or
left ones.
About 3 PM they put out a KS and a NY one. KS is less than a
day trip and the return trip is finally gone after a week. The NY one would
have to deal with the weather. So we sit.
... or don't sit, we head out
to more cemeteries. The first one was by Randall, a quarter mile off the road.
But the farmer leaves a sod path so with the ground being <> frozen we
were able to drive back there. BB wasn't so sure but to me it was just another
farm path. Well cared for cemetery.
Next cemetery was in Story City. I
had written down that there were 500 total graves, it was actually closer to
5,000 so we didn't get out of the car. It was a flat stone and I had no
While driving, BB had found a place to eat that had both a
chicken salad sandwich and potato soup ... but when we got there the first
thing we noticed was all the tables were empty ... They have quit serving food
and are now only a bakery. :( We did get one cookie. And we asked if there were
an other cafe's in town. The one by our hotel in this town has been closed for
a while and now the building is gone.
The place they mentioned is only a
coffee shop, not a cafe.
Next stop was for gas at the Kwik Star, I
realized we were getting close to E once we were off the freeway in the middle
of no-where.
We ended up at the Pizza Ranch buffet. Not bad food, we did
not request any pizza's and by the time we left there was no one else in the
Next stop was Gilbert, mostly upright markers and only about
10 rows deep so it was a quick walk. But we didn't find it until the second
time across. The cemetery now has locations but they aren't listed on
FindaGrave yet.
From there we headed in the direction of home ... until
we got a couple of miles down the road. Then we decided to stay out and headed
down to Ames.
The cemetery in Ames is huge but had an office that was
open. The office was a little square building that looked like the walls were
three feet thick. I asked, the building was built as an office. This marker was
a flat one but was right next to the road so BB didn't even get out of the
We have time for one more before dusk. Nevada, about five miles
away. I hadn't planned on this one so I know nothing as we drive in. Office
should still be open but is not. As we sit by the office we see the cemetery
has location makers. AND looking online, the locations have been added to each
person since I put the people in my list. Two minutes later we had located
those graves.
We had planned on heading to Ankeny but the hotel here in
town was $10 cheaper and 20 miles closer. So we stayed at the Sleep Inn in
Ames. My food was left over potato skins.
Load board (weekend) US -
80 IA - 0 MN - 1 WI - 6
Load board (Monday) US - 65 IA -
5/3 MN - 4 WI - 7
2024 01 08 MN
The first
trips went on the load board were at 10::30. There was three of them, the first
two were gone within 15 minutes.
The second trips were put out at 12:30
and were gone within 15 minutes. Those two were both going to Texas, but to
different locations. Not ideal enough for us to see if they would work running
We spent the AM getting new tires for our car, BB didn't feel
safe running in the snow with our current tires. We didn't ask how many miles
they had on them. We got these tires the same place as the last
There are short trips in WI that require PPE, so I'm trying to
find out what that is for this shipper. Dispatch did call back but didn't know
what the PPE is for that unit until after we commit to the trip ... so likely
not for us.
Around 2 PM they put out three more, the first two are gone
in 15 minutes but the third was has stayed out there. That one is going to MO.
Short trip, not much money without it being a no-tow.
At 3:30 they
finally put out 7 trips and three of them were still on the load board at 4:30.
There have been two to TX and two to FL but not at the same time and not to the
same location. And so far, still no no-tow units.
... and those three
were still there at the end of they day.
Maybe tomorrow
board (weekend) US = 77 IA = 0 MN = 1 WI = 5
Load board
(Monday) US - 65 IA - 5/3 MN - 4 WI - 7
2024 01 09
10 AM - Three RV's, the first two were gone shortly, the 3rd
was still there at 2 PM 12 noon - an RV for OR, dated August was on the
loadboard for a few seconds 2 PM - two RV's, the one to CA was gone in
seconds 4 ? - At some point they put out a, just one, Tampa FL. It was gone
in seconds.
We've done the math on a pair of RV's that we could run
together. We'd end up making $100 for the four days it would take us. So not
worth getting off our chairs. Same with the 1 RV to WI, a little better, $100
for two days.
Load board US - 65 IA - 5/4 MN - 2 IA -