230406 IA-MN
1 RV to Ramsey
MN (delivered) ... spending the night at home Up at 6 AM, rolling
at 7 AM. Didn't mention last night that when we got home, it looked
like a tornado had hit our neighborhood. Trees and branches everywhere. Guess
it was the combination of heavy wet snow and then the wind. By the
time it nears 8 AM, we start talking about the Bagley trips. We could have
called on them at 7 AM but didn't. Then once their spreadsheet was updated they
were gone. BB looked at the weather and the roads are still snow covered.
We also decided not to take the WI trips. There was a pair, pay would have
been good, but we pass. 1st stop is for food and fuel at the
Loves/Arby's in Albert Lea. 2nd stop is the RV shipper in IA. Two
other drivers there who were traveling together. Neither of us talked to them.
We were pretty much in and out in 15 minutes today. BB did most of the
inspection while I did the paperwork. I did talk to our yard person
and they have no idea what the holdup is on the shipments. That is the shippers
business, ours is just to move them once we get them. I have some fuel
so I will run unit I am down to the last bar on the gauge. 3rd stop
was the Holiday in Owatonna for fuel. I was able to get the 75 miles on their
fuel. I put in seven gallons and the gauge shows I should have 10 miles range
left when I drop. I know how to get to the drop ... until they change
the roads :) (that's also a running joke) But in this case it was partially
true. But IF I had been looking at the signs I would have seen our entrance to
the four lane was a clover leaf. Instead I went around the round a bout and
ended up in road construction. They are putting in new over passes in
Anoka and where there used to be stop lights there now are detour signs. We do
get where we are going. 4th stop is for final fuel at the Holiday in
Ramsey. 5th stop is a few blocks away at the drop. Two people do the
inspection. It takes an hour. No new trips that we are interested in. Nothing
else short to MN. There are longer trips that come and go. But we
can't commit to next weeks trips yet so it is just watch and wait. 6th
stop is the Sweet Taste of Italy. We used to have one near us but now this one
in BP is the only one left. Worth the trip. Still no work so we head
home. At some point they put a trip to IL from MN on the board. I'm driving and
BB doesn't want to call. It is just over a one day trip and we are looking at
doing it on a Friday of a holiday weekend. I plan to call later but forget.
We do drive past my local dispatch office. There is one boom truck, likely
the one they wanted me to pick up last Friday (?) and one trash truck from IA.
I may call them tomorrow if we are still looking for work. 7th and
final stop is home. Load board US - 260 IA - 24/21 MN -
11 WI - 7 There are still two rental trucks in MN but they are
going to either AZ or TX. If they were local drops we would have done them
today. As of now, our choice for Monday is either the truck in MN
going to IL or two RV's in IA going to Maine. But if I get out there, I would
ask about a bus but the one listed is going to NJ. More likely I would end up
in Chicago. We've talked about it. After last trip, BB wants to follow me with
the rental car instead of riding with me on the bus.